Sunday, November 20, 2011

WEEK 8 REFLECTIONS - Creating online tools and using them in class

Just like during all the previous weeks, also this week we have been introduced to many tools that can be used in class. But, the tool that seemed more "special" to me is ANVILL, because it includes many options for learners to improve especially their listening and speaking skills by using Voiceboards, LiveChatt, Quizzes and Surveys. 

However, the tools that would be more suitable for my classes at the moment are Nicenet and blogs because I think that they are more appropriate for "beginners" who start to use technology in class for the first time (as me and my students.)

Actually, I've created a Nicenet account for my students called "Beginners" and there they will discuss about  this new way of learning. Through Nicenet I strongly believe that I will help my students to improve their writing skills. Unfortunately, I still haven't been able to use it   because, as I mentioned also in the discussion , one of the constrains or difficulties  about using this tool is the lack of a computer lab at school, and also the lack of internet.Without computers and internet at school, I can hardly guide students how to use Nicenet. 

However, the only solution that I can think of in order to overcome this problem is to find a computer lab with internet and a projector where I can inform and guide students how to use Nicenet.   But,  I hope that after  guiding them how to use it also from their homes, I believe that I will get a positive response in the sense that they will post messages and their homework as well.

 So, by starting to use Nicenet I will start to apply a part of my project and I feel very excited about this.

Good luck to all with the final projects,  and looking forward to your comments!



  1. Hi Blerta, nice reflections on this week`s post. It is a pitty that you don`t have easy access to the internet in class but starting to make a change is what matters. I think that Nicenet is definitely the right pick for you and the students because it is an easy platform to navigate and I don`t know if you agree with me, but the threads displayed on the page are simply amazing. We can always go back to past posts and read them again. The organization in Nicenet is really nice and students can definitely improve their reading and writing skills. moreover, the interaction promoted is so rich that I doubt students would not enjoy having it added to their courses. Good luck on your project too!

  2. Hello, Blerta

    I understand your difficulties in your setting well. Although it will not change so soon, you have almost finished this course and "equipped" with knowledge, tools, methods and so on.

    Now you are not what you were before. Just as Andi wrote in his blog, you can not only create but also modify or adjust web tools for your students. Some activities on the Internet can be changed into off-line ones. Just showing your students the variety of tools, activities on websites would be the first step.

    I am not sure if you agree, but please cheer up and good luck on your final project.

    Keep on enjoying technology yourself, and keep on smiling!


    P.S. I like your image at the top of the blog!
