Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week 3 reflections

   I think that the 3rd week was a  very fruitful week because we have been introduced to several new things. 
It is very nice that now we have created Delicious pages where we can find our favorite websites (at least to me this was very good and helpful). 

Amongst other new and important things that I've learned during this week are the strategies on  building  aural/oral skills. It was a great week because we had the opportunity to be introduced to different strategies and ways on how to build these skills. We also shared different useful links, and  fortunately, I've been already able to use some of them with my students. 

The first link that I used directly in class was, there students could do some listening exercises directly in the computer, and I saw that it already had a good impact on them. After this exercise I recommended some websites where they can practice their listening and speaking  also at home, they are: livemocha,, and, real - The advantage of these sites is that the students have the possibility to practice directly with authentic material.

Finally, I'm very glad that now I'm able to teach my students that they can use the web also for their education, because till now they used it only for fun. But, after using the above-mentioned links they said that also learning English through this way is fun, so I can see that this new way of teaching already began to have some good impact on students, and it's also a great experience for me.


  1. Hi Blerta,

    Week3 was really full of learning various things via; Oral Aural Skill Building and so many useful links for all of us. I was very much ready to learn almost all the things very well but the things did not go as I had planned because of time problem. But I am happy that I have '' where I have saved all the URLs from where I can start any time I am free from any part of the globe.

    Many experienced and talented friends shared so many things from whom I have learnt a lot of things. People truly say 'Learning is a life-long process.' I think there are still so many things to learn in life and be a good guide for the students who can quench their thirst of their lives from what we keep learning. Time is a good teacher and it's teaching me so many things these days. I am glad that I have got so many nice friends from the international community who may be in touch from time to time to share the international feelings on a forum through internet.

    Enjoy your day!


  2. Hi Blerta:
    Great to see a very decorative blog. Really it is also important for your learners to visually motivate them. I myself got very allured to it. However, it's not the art work, you have also added a lot of resources for teaching and learning. Would you mind telling me the secret of how the blogs can be made such excellent looking?

    Your reflections show that there is truly nothing impossible for a teacher if s/he tries heart and soul. Nice reading them.


