Sunday, October 30, 2011


Dear colleagues,
During this week we have been introduced to many tools, methods and techniques, such as: PBL, assessment tools/rubrics, and webquests, through which we can directly and actively involve our students into the learning process.

It is great that through PBL the students will have the opportunity to be more interactive while working on different topics that they are interested in, and also they will be more motivated to participate and to have a better performance. The other advantage of PBL is that students are going to enhance their research skills by working in groups and by trying to find relevant information about  their respective topics.

As I mentioned also in the discussion thread in Nicenet, unfortunately  in Kosovo PBL is a very new way of learning and there is a lack of teachers who could apply technology and PBL in their schools and classes. Even though the schools will be digitized very soon, it will take a relatively long time to train  teachers how to use  technology and PBL with their students.

However, I feel very privileged and also very lucky that I have the opportunity to learn very much from different experienced teachers from all over the world and also share my experience.

Regarding the creation of rubrics, I must state that I found them very useful and very organized. While I created my rubric in Rubistar,  I saw that it is a great tool for setting the criteria of evaluation very clearly, so that students exactly and very clearly know how they will be evaluated in certain stages.

In addition to all my reflection, I have to say that the creation of the webquest seemed to me the most challenging task. But, it is great that while creating webquests we directly and practically learned the way and stages on how to create projects with our students and how to apply project based learning.  

Finally, I think that until now, week 5 was the week where we not only learned about new web tools that can be used   in class, but also how to apply them directly and very efficiently.


  1. Hi Blerta,

    You have given a very good reflection of what we have done this week.

    Also, you have mentioned that the school is going to be digitized very soon and it will take a relatively long time to train teachers. What kind of response the school management is getting from the teachers. I have asked this question because some people believe that this kind of change is a very difficult thing for an educational institution. I have heard that it is like moving a cemetery, The residents just don't cooperate.How about in your school?

    Roza, Maldives

  2. Hi Roza,

    Thank you for your comment.

    Unfortunately, in my school and in many schools all over Kosovo as well, there are many elder teachers who claim that for them it is very hard to change their teaching routine by including technology in classes and also they say that it is hard for them to understand technology. However, it will be a long process, and you are right when you say that it is like moving a cemetery.


  3. Hello, Belrta,

    I read your comment and remembered when I was in my late twenties. Unfortunately it is difficult for older? elder? teachers to change their routines because if they threw away or change their routine that are going well seemingly they feel as if all what they have done were rejected, denied as an obsolete or dying styles. Also they would be full of uneasiness of whether they can do well or not.

    Actually, one of your strong points is that you know the both, "routine" and "top-notched technology" Also, I am sure you know very well about both advantages and disadvantage in adapting to the students at your school.

    You could be a good "bridge" because you are the only one who have seen the "routine" and now learning top-notched technology. In my opinion, the word, "eclectic" or some said "blended" is a keyword to improve the present situation or to encourage yourself. For example, "time saving" something is a good "eye-catch". Just introducing such websites is a good starter to have them interested in technology.

    So sorry about my redundant writing.
    I hope our reply if you have time.

    See you again on-line!



  4. Hi Masa,
    Thanks for your comment.

    I definitely agree with you when you say that just by introducing such websites to my colleagues, they will be more interested in technology, because through this way they will see that technology can be a very useful and helpful tool for both them and the students.

    Best regards,

  5. Hi Blerta! As you have mentioned, this week has been a very busy one and we had to work on many different tasks. However, it was the most practical one because we had to get our hand on and develop lessons using different tools. That was a great thing to do and I am sure that we are feeling more proud of ourselves after having acomplished so many different goals. For me the Webquest was a real challenge that took a lot of time to get it done. I didn`t find it difficult to work on, but it was very demanding.
    We all survived in the end and have added real lessons to be seen by other educators from all over the globe. Isn`t that incredible?
    In Brazil some teachers are also reluctant to implement technology to thir classrooms but many of them are giving in and discovering the benefits for both the teacher and the students.
